onsdag den 30. juli 2008

Tomorrow is the day...

Now we are all packed and ready to hop on the plain to Egypt. Just have to catch  a few hours of sleep first. Better set the alarm clock at 4.30 (oh my, that's early...). Have to leave for the airport at 5.50. My mission at the airport is to find af kiddy-camera shaped like a penguin. (maybe it will look like this...?)
Hoping for a hotspot at our hotel, if so, i will try to post som more, the following weeks...

mandag den 28. juli 2008

Dagens foto: nr 50, 28. juli

Benjamin at the beach...coming soon

Dagens foto: nr 49, 27. juli

Mobilphone pic, benjamin eating icecream...coming soon

Dagens foto: nr 48, 26. juli

Sofus...coming soon

fredag den 25. juli 2008

Dagens foto: nr 47, 24 juli

Coming soon  -  Fish eye

Dagens foto: nr 48, 25 juli

dagens foto: nr 46, 23 juli

...I don't know what i'am thinking about, no photo today either! 

Dagens foto: nr 45, 22 juli

Todays photo is not coming soon....unfortunately i forgot to take one. 

Dagens foto: nr 44, 21 juli

Coming soon - holga s/h

tirsdag den 22. juli 2008

Dagens foto: nr 43, 20 juli

Funny friends

Dagens foto: nr 42, 19. juli

We spend a fun hour at our local Capella Play.

lørdag den 19. juli 2008

Saturday morning blues

Why am I always feeling so restless on a saturday (and sunday) morning. From the moment I wake up, i can't stop thinking about how I'm going to spend my day. I get the feeling that if I don't do something I'm going to waist the day. 

My son feels the same way, the first thing he asks me saturday morning is " Where am I going to day Mommy? (kindergarten). When I tell him that the kinderarten is closed on saturday, he then asks me "where are we going then?" Like me ha can't just sit at home. Unfortunately my boyfriend feels the opposite, a perfect saturday for him is doing nothing outside the home (or garden). 

But lucky for me i about halfway through getting my drivers licens. I know Brian is looking forward to i too, then he will not have to go with me to the fabric store, the fleemarket, the library and so on. I wonder if we ever will se each other again :-)? But when i get my licens, i am diffinently going to go places on my own, being able to walk around in some store browsing at my own pace, without having both at child and an adult pulling my arm. 

But what are we going to do today, I don't know. Probably nothing, we have to save our money for our vacation, which is coming up soon (really looking forward to that, but geting a bit nervous about all the precautions you have to take, when going to Egypt)

...Brian just got out of bed, and one of the first things he said was, " I have been thinking about what we could do today, and I just don't know...."

Dagens foto: nr 41, 18. juli

In the twilight zone

torsdag den 17. juli 2008

Dagens foto: nr 40, 17. juli

...here are the absolutely best danish toys LEGO :-)

Dagens foto: nr 39, 16.juli

Todays photo is (again) actually two photos. My lovely niece, Mie, was here for a couple of hours. Benjamin and her spend the time playing with his Brio trains. Good solid swedish wooden toys.

Dagens foto: nr 38, 15. juli

SSSHH, my baby is sleeping...

tirsdag den 15. juli 2008

Put them back on...

A little drawing I made

Dagens foto: nr 37, 14. juli

Sct. Bendt kirke. A beautiful church in the centre of my home town. If you want to know more, look here, it is in danish, unfornately, but there is a couple of pictures from the inside.

The photo i shot with my Holga, using 35mm film with the 120mm mask.

mandag den 14. juli 2008

I love the blue summersky

There is nothing like starring at the blue sky whith crisp white clouds, just floating by.
There will definitely be many more of the "blue sky pictures"

søndag den 13. juli 2008

Dagens foto: nr: 36, 13. juli

Finally my little sweetheart came home again, he spendthe weekend camping with Irene og Ove. It was a tired and happy boy, with a lot of stories to tell. i took this picture while trying to take a photo for his pasport. This is it:

Dagens foto: nr 35, 12. juli

Kommer snart

Dagens foto: nr 34, 11. juli

It's a quick self-portrait. But there'll soon bee more photos from this particually day, cause i loaded the Holga with at 35mm without the mask, and brought her with me to Copenhagen. I am hoping for some cool shots of a band we heard playing in front of a music store called GUF. The bands name was Reverend Shine and the snake oil co. At least i think that is their name. But it was really cool, both watching and listning to. But i can't really find anything about them on the net...

torsdag den 10. juli 2008

Dagens foto: nr 32, 9. juli

Lomography is like a box of chocolat, you never know what you gonna get!

This was not what i was hoping for (because i forgot to put B back to N arrrgghh, all you Holga-folks know what i'm talking about, dont you?) ..but i guess that is what Lomography is all about, isn't it? 
By the way it si a picture of Benjamin running through a puddle of muddy water, totally covered with dirt, but oh so happy...

Dagens foto: nr 33, 10 juli

I could not choose between these two photos, so here they both are. (If i had to choose it would be the one with the two sleepyheads, i love them so much, especially when they are sleeping :-))

dagens foto: nr 31, 8. juli

A clean and happy boy!

tirsdag den 8. juli 2008

Hi grandma and grandma...say cheese!

My son took this picture last month, it is one of the best photo on the roll...and he is only three years old. Typically. By the way, the happy looking woman is my mother, and the photo is from June.

mandag den 7. juli 2008

To-do-list, week 28

  1. Call our doctor and find out what vaccines we need to get before going to Egypt.
  2. Pick up film from my local photoguy
  3. Buy cheap 120film for our vacation 
  4. Paint wooden panels i my kitchen
  5. Pick up forms at the policestation for Benjamins passport 
  6. Scan film from my Holga, into my computer
  7. Buy brown buttons, for some of the childrens clothes i am sewing
  8. Use the buttons...
  9. Put the clothes up for sale on trendsales
  10. Buy and read book about Egypt 
  11. Write letter to my old (90 years) grandmother
  12. Make at least one scrap LO 
  13. Have fun with my boyfriend in the weekend ;-) Benjamin is not at home, and it has to be free or at least cheap (any suggestions?)
  14. Convert my blog into english...
  15. Stop playing with the Photobooth :-)
And so much more...

Dagens foto: nr 30, 7. juli

Just another self-portrait 

Holga Holga Holga

My Holga wishes: A colored  Holga, purple, gold or pink (the blue one is nice too) :-), a Holga baby (110 film), how cute a they? (Hey Julie, wouldn't this Holga-cat be just right for your daughter ?)I would also like at polaroid-back for my Holga - but who knows for how long you will be able to buy polaroidfilm??

søndag den 6. juli 2008

Dagens foto: nr 29, 6. juli

Wouldn't it be nice to have the perfect friend?

lørdag den 5. juli 2008

Dagen foto nr 28, 5. juli

There is nothing like a good long nap on lawn in the backyard (we had to wake him up after 2 and a half hours...)
Brian took this picture of me and Benjamin, i am allways the one taking all the pictures, so it was a nice change, and a rare shot of the two of us together.

Dagens foto nr 27, 4 juli

Watermelon is great, even the day after...

Dagens foto nr 26, 3. juli

A little rose from our garden!

torsdag den 3. juli 2008

Kerneløse hmmm

På sin første dag i børnehaven fik Benjamin serveret vandmelon og han åd ( og åd og åd og åd), så de andre børn sad målløse og kiggede på ham. Det resulterede også i at han efter ca 1 time i børnehaven var møg beskidt og godt klistret. Så i går ville vi, som de gode forældre glæde knægten med en vandmelon, kerneløs selvfølgelig, så han slap for "de sorte nødder" (og så jeg også slap for at sidde og spytte dem ud :-I )....men den melon var alt andet end kerneløs øv. Den smagte ikke engang af specielt meget...så hvad kan man gøre andet end at sidde og drømme om forgangne ferier i grækenland med store, saftige søde vandmeloner (til en brøkdel af prisen af hvad min kedelige kernefulde melon fra Rema kostede!!)

Dagens foto nr 25, 2. juli

Our very first homegrown strawberries, the look nice and sweet, but they are not :-(
They must get better next year...

Dagens foto nr 24, 1. juli

Så kom dagen endelig, Benjamins første dag i børnehave. Det var en spændt og glad dreng der tog af sted. Og han var heldigvis stadig glad da vi kom hjem igen...men jeg ved ikke rigtig hvor den der enorme træthed, som alle siger at børnehavebørn har, blev af???

tirsdag den 1. juli 2008

I feel pretty

Jeg har ikke tegnet i årevis, men fik pludselig lyst, det kom der dette ud af. Desuden har jeg aldrig før benyttet denne teknik (tegnet i hånden, scannet ind og farvelagt i photoshop), men er selv godt tilfreds med resultatet. Det er jo som at vende tilbage til barndommens malebøger.( lover at der kommer flere udgaver af dette billede :-))