Oops! It looks like we've made a mistake and sent you the wrong link. If you clicked on the previous one, then you'll know that it didn't work. Here's a new link just for you -- we hope you'll take our survey!
Please help us! We recently invited you to participate in an online survey run by the Berkman Center at Harvard University about your experiences and opinions as an active blogger. To the best of our knowledge, we have not received your response to the survey. You can participate in the survey by following this link:
Hej. Mit navn er Janni. Jeg er årgang 78, mor til Benjamin fra 05 og har været kæreste med Brian i siden 97. Jeg elsker at være kreativ, hvilket blandt andet kommer til udtryk i både fotografering, scrapbooking og syning. En anden af mine passioner er loppemarkeder, genbrugsbutikker eller andre steder man kan være heldig at finde gode, unikke sager.
Skriv meget gerne en kommentar, hvis du kigger forbi, så jeg også har mulighed for at besøge dig....eller endnu bedre bliv fast læser!
2 kommentarer:
Oops! It looks like we've made a mistake and sent you the wrong link. If you clicked on the previous one, then you'll know that it didn't work. Here's a new link just for you -- we hope you'll take our survey!
Questions? You can get in touch with us at info@bloggingcommon.org or check out our FAQ at http://bloggingcommon.org/research.
We hope you'll join us,
The Blogging Common Team
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
Dear Blogger,
Please help us! We recently invited you to participate in an online survey run by the Berkman Center at Harvard University about your experiences and opinions as an active blogger. To the best of our knowledge, we have not received your response to the survey. You can participate in the survey by following this link:
Thank you in advance for your help.
The Blogging Common Team
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
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