torsdag den 17. december 2009

busy days

We met this jolly guy at the kindergarten christmasparty...
...we open several of these every morning...
...and some of these...
...we visited Tivoli...
...had fun...
...and we had to buy Brian a new wintercoat, because he forgot his at home, an hours drive away...!!!...
...we have made a lot of these (mazipan balls covered with dark rich chocolate)...

...the very first snow of the season, had to be tested...

...lucky for me my Christmas holiday begins tomorrow after work...

mandag den 7. december 2009

B is for Benjamin

Can't belive that this handsome little guy, is the same as the cute baby i held in my arms almost 4 1/2 years ago. Times goes by so fast.

We shot these pics last weekend, the one below with the timer on. I'm looking a bit odd, but it is so rarely that have my picture taken together with Benjamin, so i have to do it myself, and this is actually one of the better ones.
Here Benjamin is trying to show Anton( my godson) how to look/smile/pose while getting your picture taken. He is not quite believing him, i think...

torsdag den 3. december 2009

Christmas time is here

December mornings spend playing with the gifts from the advent calender

Dreaming of a white Christmas...

The adventskrans- for lighting a candel the 4 last sundays before Chrsitmas.

I think a was a little inspired from the work and art of Shane Brox

My three first advent calender gifts, from my "advent-calender-group" over at Scrapsisters.

...and even with all that going on, I can't seem to find my Chrsitmas spirit.