fredag den 26. december 2008

Christmas 2008

This years christmas cookies 
Vaniliekranse - Jødekager

Kamille and Signe came by

Christmaseve at Farmors

25th of dec.
Playing with daddy

Going to the playground

Today we are going to vist my parents and have "julefrokost" (Christmas lunch). My old (91 years)  grandmother was suposed to be there to, but she broke four toes yesterday, so they drove her home. I don't think she will be here next i'm a little bit sad that i didn't get to spend any time with her.

1 kommentar:

julochka sagde ...

love the b&w photos!

just gave you a little blog award, come by and check it out, there are rules and you've got to pass it on..


happy new year!